Sunday, October 10, 2010


I have been so absorbed with writing grants for Lolo Diklo that I have not finished reading the wonderful books I have intended to review.

I have been contacted by some book clubs requesting suggestions for readings on the Romani people. Anyone who wants such recommendations should contact us either through comments on this page or at

I apologize for not reviewing the wonderful books, including Dosha and the poetry books of Paul Polansky. I will review these books and many others including Zoli and Bury Me Standing in the upcoming weeks.

SOPHIE SCHOLL, THE FINAL DAYS and THE GOEBBLES EXPERIMENT are two movies I've watched in the past weeks.

SOPHIE SCHOLL, one of my heros, is excellently portrayed in the movie SOPHIE SCHOLL THE FINAL DAYS. The courage and committment of this young woman in fighting the nazis is an amazing statement.

Scholl, and her brother Hans, were both members of the WHITE ROSE a group dedicated to bringing down the nazi regime. To that end they wrote, printed and distributed leaflets condemming the nazis and calling the German people to action. I recommend this movie to anyone interested in social justice.

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