Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ah the debut of the museum was a great success.  Many people came by and came inside to talk, read, or look at displays.  We made enough money to cover most of the expenses getting the museum ready, and we made a lot of good connections.

Several people at the festival asked me to recommend a book for their book clubs.  They prefer fiction but will not rule out non fiction.  So that's what I'm thinking about for the next few days.  I think it will have to be non fiction because most fiction about us is either exploitative or romanticized (both).  Most fiction about us has been written by the gaje.  The books written by us are usually very difficult to get.
An example is Torn Away Forever by Yvonne Slee.  It's a wonderful book which I suppose could be called fiction, though it is in fact, the story of her family.
In the next few days I hope to post the names of books I would recommend to a group just "learning" about the Romani people.

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